The jackalope is my spirit animal. Maybe because it’s magical, or maybe because I like all things mixed up.
I like antlers, covered wagons, champagne, and geology. I was born in Singapore and grew up in Wyoming.
The more serious stuff: I have an MFA in Fiction from the University of Houston. I’ve been awarded scholarships to the Sewanee and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and a fellowship to the Vermont Studio Center. I’ve been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and for The Best New American Voices. My work has appeared in The Virginia Quarterly Review, American Short Fiction, Asian American Literary Review, Puerto del Sol, and Forklift, Ohio. Most recently, I have been teaching at the University of Wyoming and have completed a short-story collection, Cowboys and East Indians.
And where I’ll live once the school year ends…as Holly Golighlty said on her cards in Breakfast at Tiffany’s: traveling. Between Wyoming, England, India, and Austin.
twitter: ninawyo

This amazing photo is taken by Dean Kaden!
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