Here was my Super Bowl. My thoughts during game -- between me and me and then shared via email with Batkin.
I don't know why I am pulling for the Packers, but I am pulling for the Packers. i wonder if Batkin is watching. I wonder if he's yelling at the T.V. Are all those colored lines generated by the T.V. people. How do they do that. Seemed like that one guy held onto the ball long enough to not call it an incomplete, but maybe i only think that because I saw it in slo-mo, so it seems longer to me. Doesn't that one big guys' curly hair sticking out of his helmut ever get caught when he's tackling/being tackled. How is that not a hazard. How many coaches do they have for heaven's sake. i mean really I would like to know. How do they keep each team from intercepting the airwaves for the communications on those Motorola headsets.
Surely they've thought that one through. i wonder if Batkin is wearing a ball cap while he watches. Is he yelling at the t.v. now. Is it really true what they say about the big guys with the big guts still having really low body fat, seriously how can that be. I hope the music sounds better live than what we are hearing. These commercials aren't so great, except maybe the one about Coke and the two border guards that are supposed to be in some made up Kazakhastan. I wonder if Batkin is watching the game somewhere woody.*** Why did they let both teams wear yellow pants, with just differences in socks and stripes. Seems like they could have worked that out ahead of time. One simple phone call. Fergie's looking a little chubby in her Swarovski crystal football getup.
*** Note to reader: ('woody' refers to stupid joke involving the Olive Garden, bad food, and out of date interiors, and Batkin's limited vocabulary when describing interiors where he finds himself. When I asked him what some place looked like, he said, 'woody.' Pathetic. Enough said. But I promise you, Batkin does not have the taste of say a Dwell reader, or an Architectural Digest subscriber for that matter..)
Megan Griswold- Lost and Found